Your enterprise blockchain consortia is diverse. At Kaleido, we believe your options should be too
As enterprises look to accelerate their blockchain initiatives from proof of concepts into production, the value of those networks increases as the number and diversity of its participants expand.
Available immediately, Kaleido offers your consortium members choice of region and cloud provider for hosting their nodes. Our industry first cross-region and cross-cloud support removes significant barriers to adoption through diversity of cloud providers and locations within a single consortium. Your members can join while continuing to leverage their existing cloud investments by running nodes in the same cloud datacenter and availability zones. Additionally, your global consortium can now support data sovereignty requirements by running nodes in mandated regions.
These are only some of the many new features Kaleido now offers to accelerate development and adoption of your blockchain initiative. We welcome your feedback on these new capabilities as you progress your projects and scale to production.
To learn more, check out the formal Kaleido press release here or the Forbes, InformationWeek, IT Pro and Coindesk articles.
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