A block explorer is a tool used to view the blocks, transactions, and balances within a ledger. It lets you easily search by block number, contract address, or transaction hash.
For an enterprise business, this is key. An explorer enables transparency and verification, allowing you to check the status of payments, track goods across a supply chain, or audit financial records.
Like all our pluggable tools, Kaleido's Explorer makes accessibility to information on-chain radically simple so you can focus on your business.
View on-chain activities by easily browsing blocks, transactions, smart contracts, gas rates, gas consumption, and more in your environment.
Leverage the intuitive ledger API to create customized views of data on the chain then drill down to patterns from relevant subsets of information.
An integrated source code verification feature turns indecipherable byte code of a smart contract into plain text that can be verified by a counterparty prior to the issuance of a transaction or query.
A block explorer is an online interface that accesses and displays information from a ledger. It connects to a network's node, retrieving detailed data about blocks, transactions, and wallet addresses, then presents this information in an understandable format.
By transforming complex raw data into an easily navigable interface, our block explorer provides insight into the operations and history of a network and makes it easier to do business around your web3 application.
The Kaleido Block Explorer can be leveraged for both high-level analytics (e.g. chain height, commonly called contracts, transaction rate, etc.) and more granular insights (e.g. block contents, transaction hashes, sending accounts, etc.).
If you want to learn more about the level of detail that our explorer makes available, you can read the developer documentation here.