A token explorer is a tool that provides insights into transactions that occur on a particular blockchain. In the context of tokens, it refers to the ability to view the details of specific token transactions, token balances, and other information related to particular smart contracts.
A token explorer may provide individual transaction details, such as sender and recipient addresses, amount transferred, and timestamp, token balances of specific wallet addresses, along with detailed information about a particular token, and some explorers enable interaction with smart contracts, allowing insight into how tokens operate on the network.
This reporting ability enhances transparency, accessibility, and understanding of the blockchain ecosystem. Our Token Explorer takes advantage of the organizational information available across the Kaleido platform and decorates the account addresses with human readable information.
Automatically discover both types of token contracts, whether deployed by factory service or deployed by users.
Display all transfer operations for a token and provides a comprehensive look into all token contracts that have been deployed in an environment.
Easily access token attributes like total supply and whether they are able to be minted or burned.
From a developer's perspective, a token explorer is an essential tool for debugging and understanding smart contract behavior. It aids in tracing transactions, understanding contract interactions, and increases the efficiency of development and monitoring on a blockchain.
From an end-user's viewpoint, it brings transparency and trust, as they can independently verify transactions, balances, and the overall movement of tokens on the blockchain.
Our Token Explorer is trained to understand the entire token landscape within your environment. It can visualize smart contracts, balances, token owners, minters and transfer activities, etc, then return this information in a digestible way. The Token Explorer is available by default on all environments and can be accessed via the Environment Dashboard under the Services section.
Our service provides a comprehensive look into all of the ERC20 and ERC721 token contracts that have been deployed in an environment. This includes token contracts that are deployed via the Token Factory service as well as token contracts deployed manually via web3 or other Ethereum client libraries.
Our Token Explorer in a blockchain setting serves as a window into the intricate workings of a blockchain network, focusing particularly on token-related activities. Its functionality ensures that different stakeholders, from casual users to developers, have the information and tools they need to interact with the blockchain effectively and efficiently.