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Hyperledger Fabric is now generally available on Kaleido

Steve Cerveny
Founder & CEO
September 1, 2021
Hyperledger Fabric is now generally available on Kaleido
Since this post was written, Hyperledger FireFly has reached 1.0. Learn more here!

We are pleased to announce that Hyperledger Fabric on Kaleido has moved from Beta to General Availability.  Fabric joins our other GA software and services that are ready for production deployment on the platform.  Enterprise plan customers using Fabric also now benefit from our Enterprise SLA.

When creating an environment, you can select ‘Hyperledger Fabric’ as a protocol option in addition to our support for Corda OS and Ethereum variants Quorum, Go-Ethereum, and Hyperledger Besu.  For a detailed comparison of the three protocols, see our technical writeup.

A Fabric Easy Button

The mission of Kaleido has always been to give enterprises the “easy button” for setting up high quality decentralized networks. Fabric is a popular choice for enterprises with significant market adoption. It comes with an extensive, rich set of features and a unique programming model.  

Here’s a snapshot of some of the Fabric-specific features:

  • Version 2.3 - comes with the latest version of Fabric and many popular new features
  • Channel management - easily create and manage channels on the Kaleido console
  • Peer nodes, Orderer nodes, and Fabric CA - each organization gets their own set of fully managed, highly available Fabric runtimes
  • RAFT consensus - the best consensus choice for enterprise
  • Easy chaincode deploy - integrated with Kaleido’s smart contract management, it’s never been easier to manage chaincode deployments
  • Fabric Explorer - each organization gets its own fabric explorer
  • Consortia as a Service - built to support consortia network operators out of the box, with the tooling, workflows and governance 

Since Fabric is running on the robust Kaleido platform, you also enjoy:

  • Instant, secure, and dynamic cross-cloud networks spanning AWS and Azure
  • High Availability and Disaster Recovery infrastructure
  • On-demand snapshot backups of your data and configuration
  • A simple API to automate the provisioning and management of your resources, including Terraform scripting
  • Global deployment footprint 
  • 24x7 support available, backed by the deep subject matter expertise (former contributors and maintainer of Fabric) 
  • ISO27001 and SOC2 Type 2 compliance
  • Experience running the world’s major blockchain networks across financial services, supply chain, healthcare, insurance, agriculture, government, media & entertainment, retail, industrial, and more

Try It Out Today for Free

Go ahead, give it a whirl.  Hyperledger Fabric is free to try on our Starter plan- sign up today.

If you’re looking to migrate your Hyperledger Fabric deployment to Kaleido from an older or current Fabric release, we’re standing by to help with migration services and hardened custom tooling to minimize any disruption to your network. Just get in touch!

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